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La Fête Patronale d'Arcachon

The feast day of Arcachon takes place annually in March

featured in Events calendar Updated

A mass is held where prayers are said for those who have perished at sea, followed by a procession to the Cross of the Sailors. Afterwards, the sea is blessed by the "Sailors of the Women's Committee Fishermen Basin" who throw a crown into the ocean from aboard a lifeboat.

The mass takes place at the Basilica Notre-Dame - La Chapelle des Marins, normally around 10:00 in the morning of the 25th March. But, over a few days, there are festivities and entertainment on calendar held across the town for old and young alike to celebrate the event.

The weekend after the 25th normally has a fairground with fireworks and numerous rides. Then the feast will be hosted on the Saturday following the 25th.

Where and when

Certain festive holidays always fall on the same date every year, and 25th March is a typical Arcachon holiday since the creation of the city some 165 or so years ago.

Events such as the mass at 10:00 at the basilica, held by the Bishop of Bordeaux, and the blessing of the marine world at the end of the Jetée de la Chapelle are essential elements, the rest changes every year.




Map of the surrounding area